Home gardening Why You Should Never Keep These Things on a Windowsill

Why You Should Never Keep These Things on a Windowsill

by easylifepress

Growing up in a tight-knit community with limited resources, I learned the importance of making the most out of what we had. As someone who faced socio-economic disadvantages and spoke English with a Dominican accent, my upbringing taught me to be resourceful and cautious about our belongings. That’s why when it comes to storing items on a windowsill, there are certain things you should never keep there.

Avoid Putting Fragile Items at Risk

In many homes like mine, windowsills served as makeshift shelves for various objects. However, placing fragile items such as delicate glassware or cherished family heirlooms on a windowsill can lead to disaster. The constant exposure to sunlight and temperature fluctuations can cause these precious possessions to become damaged or even shattered beyond repair. It’s important to find safer storage options that protect these sentimental pieces from harm.

Protect Your Valuables from Theft

Living in an economically disadvantaged neighborhood meant that security was always a concern for us. Placing valuable items like jewelry or electronics on a windowsill is an open invitation for theft. Opportunistic individuals may spot these easily accessible treasures and seize the opportunity without hesitation. To safeguard your valuables, it’s crucial to store them in secure locations within your home where they are less visible and more protected.

Avoid Damage from Moisture and Weather Conditions

The weather can be unpredictable at times, especially if you live in an area prone to rainstorms or extreme temperatures like I did growing up. Storing sensitive items such as books, documents, or electronic devices on a windowsill exposes them not only to direct sunlight but also potential moisture damage caused by rainwater seeping through gaps in window frames during heavy downpours. To prevent irreversible harm, it’s wise to find alternative storage solutions away from windowsills.


As someone who has experienced the challenges of a socio-economically disadvantaged upbringing and understands the importance of protecting our belongings, I urge you to reconsider using windowsills as storage spaces. Fragile items can be damaged, valuable possessions may become targets for theft, and exposure to moisture and weather conditions can cause irreparable harm. Let’s prioritize the safety and preservation of our cherished belongings by finding suitable alternatives that keep them secure.

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